Serving as the Hands and Feet of Christ
At 10am each Sunday morning we are offering in-person services. You also have the option to stay in your car in the parking lot and listen on 89.1FM, or watch the livestream of the service on Facebook Live (First Baptist Church of Monticello).
Welcome from the Pastor
I want to welcome you to our site and to our church! First Baptist is full of kind-hearted people who are seeking to love God and love one another well. They are a generous people and it is a privilege to serve God with them. In spite of our imperfections and short-comings, we believe God is always faithful and, by His strength, we want to share His love and grace.
- Pastor Ian
Mission Statement
Our purpose as believers in Jesus Christ is commitment, love and praise to God. We accept the Bible as truth, working together toward spiritual maturity and winning souls for Christ. We recognize and use our spiritual gifts in various ministries to further God's Kingdom in our Church, Community, Nation, and World!
Sunday Morning service is at 10 am in person, as well as on Facebook Live and on-sight at 89.1 FM.
Wednesday night Bible Study is at 4:30 PM in the church office. We are going through the show "The Chosen."
Latest News and Events
Tuesday August 1:
Back-to-School Carnival
5:30 - 7:30pm​
Wednesday August 2:
Family Fun Carnival
Connect with our region and denomination
The Found
July 2 - For Such a Time as This
Esther 3-4
July 9 - God's Strength to Do Good
James 1:17-25
July 16 - Who Do We Do Good To?
James 1:26-27; 2:1-9
July 23 - Faithfulness at God's Good Work
Philippians 1:3-6; James 4:13-17